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Resource Library

The Resource Library is a collection of resources such as policy and guidance documents, products, research, tools, trainings and events, webinars, and websites relevant to Title IV-A program administration and implementation. All resources in the library are vetted by the U.S. Department of Education and the T4PA Center.

If you have a resource you would like us to consider for inclusion in the Resource Library, please email info@t4pacenter.org.

Resource Topic Area
Focus Population
Target Audience

Publication Year: 2024

This information sheet provides an overview of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act Stronger Connections Grant (SCG) program, which allocated $1 billion for SEAs to competitively award to high-need LEAs to create safer and healthier learning environments. It includes information on SCG program administration and links to key resources.

Topic Area: Administration – General; Implementation – Safe & Healthy Students
Resource Type: Products
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2024

testing  search “identifying EBPs”.

Organization: SEI

Publication Year: 2024

This infographic provides personnel responsible for the daily operations of Title IV, Part A (Title IV-A) with an overview of the process of answering questions posed to the U.S. Department of Education or the T4PA Center. It is designed to help Title IV-A staff gain a better understanding of how questions are managed and the steps involved in ensuring that questions are answered effectively.

Topic Area: Administration – General
Resource Type: Products
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2023

This tool is designed to assist Title IV-A State Coordinators with identifying staff members, offices, agencies, and organizations within their states that can help (1) implement training and technical assistance in the three Title IV-A priority content areas across their states and (2) foster coordination and cooperation across state-level organizations and offices with shared goals.

Topic Area: Administration – LEA Applications
Resource Type: Tools
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2023

This brief addresses how menstrual equity impacts student attendance, learning social and emotional well-being, and physical health. Title IV, Part A funds may be used to increase menstrual equity under the Safe and Healthy Students priority area.

Topic Area: Implementation – Safe & Healthy Students
Resource Type: Products
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2023

This coaching guide helps Title IV, Part A State Coordinators (SCs) improve the technical assistance related to equitable services consultations provided to local education agencies (LEAs). It features tips, examples, and resources that SCs can adapt to support their LEAs as they aim to increase the quality and success of their equitable services consultations.

Topic Area: Administration – LEA Applications
Resource Type: Product
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2022

This brief is intended to help State coordinators take a cross-cutting view of needs across their local education agencies (LEAs) and use their findings to strategically distribute funds or plan accompanying training and technical assistance to maximize impact on schools. It can also be used to help LEAs assess and address needs at the district level.

Topic Area: Administration—General
Resource Type: Products
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2022

This information sheet describes the process of, and best practices for, identifying, selecting, and implementing evidence-based practices and programs (EBPs). State coordinators (SCs) can use the tools and resources included in this information sheet to guide and work alongside LEAs that want to use EBPs in their work.

Topic Area: Administration – General
Resource Type: Products
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2022

This coaching guide provides information and strategies to State coordinators (SCs) that focus on ensuring that LEAs write high-quality objectives and outcomes for their Title IV-A program. Included for consideration are references to statutory requirements, non-regulatory guidance, topic-specific examples, and related resources in one easy-to-access location.

Topic Area: Administration – General
Resource Type: Products
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2022

This information sheet explores ways to use Title IV, Part A funds to support new and innovative programming and services. State and local education agencies can engage in the cycle of innovation and sustainability to generate, implement, and sustain effective programs and activities, as supported by the statute. Tips for promoting and sustaining innovation and additional resources are provided.

Topic Area: Implementation – General; Implementation – Well-Rounded Education; Implementation – Safe & Healthy Students; Implementation – Effective Use of Technology
Resource Type: Products
Affiliation: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2022

This resource shares considerations for State coordinators (SCs) as they plan how to use State education agency communication channels to disseminate information about the state’s Title IV, Part A (Title IV-A) program to a wide range of audiences. In addition to laying out a process for communications planning, the resource includes information about common communications terms and questions to help SCs plan for and engage in conversations about Title IV-A dissemination efforts.

Topic Area: Administration – General; Administration – State Use of Funds
Resource Type: Product
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2022

This brief helps State education agencies (SEAs) prepare local education agencies (LEAs) for the state-level monitoring through a seven-step process designed to support LEAs in understanding the full scope of the monitoring process, build transparency with the selection and review process, and provide clear instructions for the pre-monitoring, monitoring review, and post-monitoring process.

Topic Area: Administration – General
Resource Type: Products
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2022

This coaching guide will help Title IV, Part A (Title IV-A) State coordinators (SCs) coach staff members from local education agencies (LEAs) to think creatively about using funds within the Effective Use of Technology (EUT) category beyond typical activities such as supporting professional learning opportunities and purchasing equipment like laptops or other devices.

Topic Area: Implementation – Effective Use of Technology
Resource Type: Products
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2022

This resource highlights areas within the Title IV, Part A statute that discuss science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STE(A)M) learning, and shares indicators of effective STE(A)M courses and activities with an emphasis on equity. It also provides sample questions and additional resources for State coordinators (SCs) to utilize when working with local education agencies (LEAs) on STE(A)M programming.

Topic Area: Implementation -- Well-Rounded Education
Resource Type: Products
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2022

This information sheet provides State coordinators (SCs) with methods to identify and promote successful local education agency (LEA) programming that supports Title IV, Part A goals. SCs can use the tips in this resource to help raise the visibility of LEAs’ success stories, inspiring LEA peers to learn from one another and potentially replicate promising programs or activities.

Topic Area: Administration – General; Implementation - General
Resource Type: Product
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2022

This resource summarizes how the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) used Title IV-A state set-aside funds to create a Standards Implementation Institute (SII) and promote more intentional instructional design through content integration. These activities incorporated training series, professional development, and lesson planning templates.

Topic Area: Administration – State Use of Funds
Resource Type: Products
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2022

This resource offers advice on how State coordinators can communicate both state and Federal Title IV-A requirements to local education agencies (LEAs) in ways that (1) ensure LEAs are aware of the requirements and (2) encourage LEAs to implement them with fidelity. It outlines steps for setting a foundation for positive communications with LEAs, crafting effective communications, and providing additional supports once information is shared.

Topic Area: Administration – General; Administration – State Use of Funds
Resource Type: Product
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2022

This information sheet explores strategies that local education agencies (LEAs) receiving Title IV-A allocations of less than $30,000 can use to maximize the impact of Title IV-A funds, support meaningful programming, and improve student outcomes. Strategies described include braiding or blending funds, forming consortia with other LEAs, establishing community partnerships, and funding short-term projects.

Topic Area: Implementation - General
Resource Type: Product
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2021

This resource provides Title IV, Part A (Title IV-A) State coordinators with information and resources for designing local education agency (LEA) applications for Title IV-A funds. It suggests processes for designing LEA applications that align with statutory requirements and shares helpful tools, resources, and examples of existing state application materials to support the development and completion of applications.

Topic Area: Administration – LEA Applications
Resource Type: Products
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2021

This brief is designed to help Title IV, Part A (Title IV-A) State coordinators understand how Title IV-A defines effective professional development (PD) and its evaluation as well as how Title IV-A funds may be used to support PD activities. It includes a comprehensive summary of the Title IV-A statute that addresses PD, a description of various types of PD that can be supported under technical assistance, and best practices for evaluating PD at the State education agency and local education agency levels.

Topic Area: Implementation – General
Resource Type: Products
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2021

This information sheet highlights challenges, considerations, and best practices for Title IV, Part A State Coordinators working to help local education agencies (LEAs) increase student access to advanced learning opportunities. It includes suggested strategies that state education agencies and LEAs can use to support special populations of students and their families as they contend with barriers within the education system.

Topic Area: Implementation - Well Rounded Education
Resource Type: Product
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2021

This information sheet examines parent and family engagement related to Title IV, Part A activities, with an emphasis on equity. It highlights challenges and shares best practices that State Coordinators and local education agencies can use to support students and families who face challenges within the education system.

Topic Area: Administration - LEA Applications; Implementation - Safe and Healthy Students
Resource Type: Product
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2021

This brief presents strategies and approaches to identifying, collecting, and reporting data on programmatic outcomes from local education agencies (LEAs) who are Title IV-A grant subrecipients in their states.

Topic Area: Administration – General
Resource Type: Products
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2021

This resource features two tools to help SEAs streamline their LEA application review process: a checklist and a two-part rubric. The checklist will aid SEAs in ensuring that applications solicit all information from LEAs as required by the statute, whereas the rubric gives SEAs a way to quantify the quality of an LEA’s application. Both tools are designed to help SEAs ensure the LEA applications meet minimum statutory requirements.

Topic Area: Administration—LEA Applications
Resource Type: Products; Tools
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2021

This resource contains a tool that State education agencies (SEAs) can use to assess their performance while working to meet Title IV, Part A requirements. The self-assessment can help SEAs identify which grant administration activities and functions it is doing well and where activities could be improved or more fully implemented. The resource also provides suggestions for ways that SEAs can approach priority setting and next steps, and offers links to relevant resources.

Topic Area: Administration—General
Resource Type: Tool
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2021

This action guide provides six steps for setting up a Title IV-A reporting process in an SEA. State Coordinators (SCs) can use the guide’s built-in tracking features to monitor the process of reporting activities within the SEA.

Topic Area: Administration – General
Resource Type: Products
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2020

This resource is an operational guide for state coordinators as they explore strategies and approaches to providing training and technical assistance (T/TA) for local education agencies (LEAs) in their states. The recommendations and resources here can be applied broadly to T/TA across Title IV, Part A topic areas.

Topic Area: Program Implementation
Resource Type: Product
Affiliation: Federal
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2020

The purpose of this guide on developing stakeholder relationships is to assist State education agencies (SEAs) and local education agencies (LEAs) in engaging and developing meaningful relationships with a variety of stakeholders and community-based partners.

Topic Area: Community Engagement
Resource Type: Product
Affiliation: Federal
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2020

The purpose of the Effective Use of Technology (EUT) Resource Guide is to assist local education agencies (LEAs) in thinking through how to best use Title IV, Part A (Title IV-A) funds. This guide builds on the Title IV-A LEA Needs Assessment process and prompts LEAs to consider their technology infrastructure, identify areas of need, and think through strategies for addressing those needs.

Topic Area: EUT
Resource Type: Product
Affiliation: Federal
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2020

This Evaluation Guide (Guide) is intended to serve as a companion piece to the Title IV, Part A (Title IV-A) LEA Needs Assessment Tool (Tool). The Tool prompts local education agencies (LEAs) to think first about the desired outcomes, then work backward to identify the programs, projects, or activities (interventions) that will best serve those outcomes under the Title IV-A statute. This Guide offers a high-level overview of the evaluation cycle and can assist LEAs in evaluating whether a selected program is meeting the needs and desired goals identified in the Tool.

Topic Area: Formula Grants to States
Resource Type: Products
Affiliation: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2020

If a local education agency (LEA) expresses a need in addressing exclusionary discipline, Title IV, Part A State coordinators can use the following information to support LEAs as they conduct their needs assessment, prepare their LEA application, consider how to evaluate their effort, and/or seek additional information. The

Topic Area: Safe and Healthy Students
Resource Type: Products
Affiliation: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2020

If a local education agency (LEA) expresses a need in addressing school mental health support and services, Title IV, Part A State coordinators can use the following information to support LEAs as they conduct their needs assessment, prepare their LEA application, consider how to evaluate their effort, and/or seek additional information.

Topic Area: Safe and Healthy Students
Resource Type: Products
Affiliation: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2020

If a local education agency (LEA) expresses a need in addressing school preparedness (safety, security, and emergency management), Title IV, Part A State coordinators can use the following information to support LEAs as they conduct their needs assessment, prepare their LEA application, consider how to evaluate their effort, and/or seek additional information.

Topic Area: Safe and Healthy Students
Resource Type: Products
Affiliation: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2020

If a local education agency (LEA) expresses a need in supporting the effective use of technology to personalize learning, Title IV, Part A State coordinators can use the following information to support LEAs as they conduct their needs assessment, prepare their LEA application, consider how to evaluate their effort, and/or seek additional information.

Topic Area: Effective Use of Technology
Resource Type: Products
Affiliation: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2020

The purpose of this school mental health (SMN) primer and resource guide is to assist State education agencies (SEAs) and local education agencies (LEAs) in identifying key approaches for addressing mental health concerns in schools, particularly those in rural and under-resourced areas.

Topic Area: SHS
Resource Type: Product
Affiliation: Federal
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2020

The purpose of the Preventing School Dropout Brief Resource Guide is to assist State education agencies (SEAs) and local education agencies (LEAs) in reducing school dropout rates.

Topic Area: SHS
Resource Type: Product
Affiliation: Federal
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2020

The purpose of this resource guide on selecting evidence-based programs (EBPs) is to inform State education agencies (SEAs) and local education agencies (LEAs) of the requirements outlined as part of the Title IV, Part A statute, and to provide a starting point for identifying and selecting interventions, curricula, and other resources with a credible research base.

Topic Area: WRE
Resource Type: Product
Affiliation: Federal
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2020

The Title IV-A Technical Assistance Center (T4PA Center) operates on behalf of the U.S Department of Education (ED), Office of Safe and Supportive Schools and provides State Education Agencies (SEAs) with dedicated support for implementing the Title IV, Part A Student Support and Academic Enrichment (SSAE) program. This document provides and overview of the T4PA Center's mission and activities.

Topic Area: General
Resource Type: Products
Affiliation: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2020

This document provides information about the Title IV, Part A Student Support and Academic Enrichment Program. Topics include a program overview, program administration information, allocation amounts, Title IV-A priority content area information, a description of the T4PA Center, and links to selected T4PA resources.

Topic Area: General
Resource Type: Product
Affiliation: Federal
Organization: T4PA Center

Publication Year: 2019

The U.S. Department of Education (Department) has developed this comprehensive LEA needs assessment tool (Tool), which SEAs can share with LEAs. State Coordinators may opt to adopt the Tool for their use, offer the Tool as an option for LEAs, or offer an alternative tool or resource. The Tool includes outcome-focused indicators. Collecting and analyzing outcome data during a needs assessment can help LEAs identify where their schools are facing challenges and stay focused on those outcomes as they implement their Title IV, Part A program.

Topic Area: Administration – LEA Applications
Resource Type: Tools
Affiliation: T4PA Center
Organization: T4PA Center

Spotlights work of the the Alabama State Department of Education (ALSDE). ALSDE convenes a Title IV, Part A Advisory Committee as part of the training and technical assistance the Title IV-A team provides to local education agencies (LEAs). The Committee helps to increase engagement with LEAs and to support and advise ALSDE's two-person Title IV-A team.

Topic Area: Administration – State Use of Funds
Resource Type: Products

Spotlights work of the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE). IDOE implemented a statewide competitive grant program, entitled Innovation Grants, using state set-aside funds. The grants helped LEAs realize the power and flexibility of Title IV-A funds.

Topic Area: Administration – State Use of Funds
Resource Type: Products

Spotlights work of the New Hampshire Department of Education (NHDOE). NHDOE leveraged state set-aside funds to implement regularly scheduled Virtual Office Hours. The training and technical assistance provided during these events has helped local education agencies develop a greater understanding of Title IV-A, its purpose, allowable uses of funds, and both Federal and NHDOE program requirements. 

Topic Area: Administration – State Use of Funds
Resource Type: Products

This resource provides state education agencies (SEAs) with information about delivering a well-rounded education through distance learning for all students by creating and expanding access to educational opportunities. Specifically, this resource discusses considerations for ensuring that a diverse curriculum is made available to students and how it may be adapted for a distance learning environment. Ways to address challenges accessing instructional content in a distance learning context are also discussed. This resource can help SEAs support local education agencies (LEAs) in offering distance learning courses, programs, and activities that allow for a well-rounded education. Checklists are provided to support SEA reviews of LEA applications for funds to support distance learning. Appendices provide selected distance learning strategies and resource suggestions.

Topic Area: Implementation – Well-Rounded Education; Implementation – Effective Use of Technology
Resource Type: Product

test search keywod  “EBPs any word identifying keyword”.

Organization: SEI

This document provides information about ways to maximize funding by employing two techniques — braiding and blending funds. State education agencies (SEAs) and local education agencies (LEAs) can use these strategies to help maximize the impact of funds and improve student outcomes.

Topic Area: Administration - General
Resource Type: Product

This product is intended to help State Coordinators (SC)s read and interpret education research. Its content includes how to access and read education research, essential questions to answer when reading research, and tips for sharing helpful research. It concludes with a glossary of commonly used education research terms. Regardless of users’ varying levels of familiarity with research methods, interpretation, or terminology, this resource offers information applicable to a range of skill levels.

Topic Area: Administration - General
Resource Type: Product

Spotlights work of the Arizona Department of Education (ADE). Using Title IV-A state set-aside funds, leveraging internal staffing expertise, and collaborating with other state agencies and local partners, the ADE provides a variety of options for Title IV-A training and technical assistance to local education agencies across the state. This spotlight describes three standout approaches.

Topic Area: Formula Grants to States
Resource Type: SEA Spotlight

Spotlights the work of the Nebraska Department of Education, and eight of the SEA’s school districts. In 2019, the eight districts united their Title IV-A funds to create a consortium leveraging these dollars to deliver mental health services across the region. This program marks the first time a mental health provider is available to work with students, teachers, and families within this consortium’s districts.

Topic Area: Formula Grants to States
Resource Type: SEA Spotlight

U.S. Department of Education (ED), Office of Safe and Supportive Schools (OSSS) and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) hosted the Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Prevention and the Role of Peer Recovery Support Services (PRSS) Webinar. Dona Dmitrovic, Director, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention, and Erin Wick, Director of Behavioral Health and Student Support, Capital Region ESD 113, served as presenters and provided insight into what PRSS are, the resources available for school settings, and what is needed to set up an appropriate network.

Topic Area: Implementation – Safe and Healthy Students
Resource Type: Video/Webinar

This information sheet reviews the value of focusing on mental health in schools, with an emphasis on leveraging technology. It highlights practical recommendations Title IV-A State coordinators can share with local education agencies (LEAs) to support their efforts to promote mental health strategies and skills, including links to resources LEAs and school staff may find useful for planning and implementation.

Topic Area: Implementation - Safe & Healthy Students; Implementation - Effective Use of Technology
Resource Type: Product

Provides an overview of each stage of implementation (i.e., exploration, installation, initial implementation, and full implementation) and the activities necessary to reach the intended outcomes of each stage.

Topic Area: Administration – General
Resource Type: Video/Webinar